Friday, April 17, 2009

Adventures in Babysitting

It all started when my sister went to Hawaii without her three children....we got take care of them for the week. I decided the best way to approach this (as drama free as possible) is to make a list and check them off as we go. They all had something to look forward to every day. Above is the day after they got here! Here we have the group preparing to dye Easter Eggs. WAY FUN!!! We jammed out to Bronwyn's (my niece) iPod....which included Alvin and the Chipmunks: Witch Doctor and Hannah Montana....AWESOME!
Below is later in the day when mom held a neighborhood easter egg hunt! These were just the family that was in town...there were at least that many more neighborhood kids! This was just before the hunt started. What an EGGSellent afternoon!

Remember what I said above...Drama free...well leave it to our little red headed DIVA to add the dramatic flair through my make-up. This has happened before, but never this bad and this time I wasn't ridiculously mad at her. Yeah, it's all over her body...sigh...
Here we have the imagination of an eleven year old running wild in the basement! Will flopped a mattress over the love seat and the kids played on "the slide" for hours!!! They had soooo much fun until....dun dun duuuuunnnnnnn.....
....Lizzie's head hurt Dillon's belly....Really Dillon plowed into little Lizzie and he didn't want to get in trouble for it...Lizzie was really hurt..Dill wasn't. I called Dill a faker and he said...(in his wailing cries) "I am not a faker Brittany!!!, (pointing to his tears) Look at these tears! These are REAL!!! I died laughing! Again I say, fairly drama free.
Next came the castle at the rec center! These kids had so much stinking fun bashing eachother with the blocks...stuffing the blocks up the slide...building castles...knocking them down....running and screaming and listening to their own echoes! Meanwhile I just chatted with one of my best friends...trying to figure out if I could take a hunter's safety class with her! She's so funny...I could probably chat with her all day if given the chance!
Off to the big surprise of the day!!!! This was soooooo not on the list! But I was truely inspired by another one of my best friends' blog to go bowling! It really is the best for all ages!!! We at lunch at the snack bar here and bowled an awesome game! Will lead the scoring with a whopping 111 points!!!! Go WILL!
Earlier in the week we made these stepping stones out of just plain concrete from home depot and flattened marbles...they set up and this is the result of each child's creativity. I helpped Lizzie and Jocie a bit...but it was so fun! (if you're thinking about doing it...get the concrete WITHOUT gravel)
While we were playing outside our neighbor walked by with Malcom... his HORSE of a dog. He really is as tall as Jocie...but so super nice!
This is the scene during the final night of Spring Break at Grandma's. All five children lined up under their blankies watching Shark Tale....One word comes to mind when I see this picture....
All in all it went really, really well. The kids were great, the entertainment was awesome and the memories are sweet.
And that is my adventure in babysitting!


Kevin and Amber said...

Are you sure there wasn't more screaming and fighting??

Katy said...

wow wonder woman!!! you're a brave soul to take on so many kids, but it looks like they had a BLAST!!! Cute pictures-- your girls are soooooo adorable! i think that's awesome the rec made that little play court... sa-weeet!

Amy said...

Wow! You are one amazing babysitter! Those stepping stones look awesome, and it looks like the kids all had a blast with you. :)

Ami Paulsen said...

Nice work. You managed to care for all those children and they ended the week alive. You really deserve something for that. :)

Emily K. said...

Great job for being so willing while your sister(s) (isn't Jana there now?)traipse off to Hawaii without you!! Good thing it was at your mom's house, and she was there to help. You were probably tired.

Eli & Corinne said...

WOW! You totally impress me.

Josh and Alayna said...

Wow. Looks like you all had a wild time:) I love the picture of Lizzy and the makeup. I am also digging the rainbow house, yay!

Ami Paulsen said...

Brit Brit! I hope you get this because I don't have your email address! What's up with that?! I'm so glad you're doing the sugar challenge with me! I'm going to send out an email Saturday evening before we start so will you send me your email address?

Anonymous said...

Wow! You are one amazing babysitter! You totally impress me. i think that's awesome the rec made that little play court... sa-weeet!

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