Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Little old lady, Who??

Jocelyn did this all on her own! Random I know!! I don't walk around the house yodeling so I'm not sure where she learned it. The last yodel is my favorite! So funny!


Kaysi said...

That's so funny!! It's hard to believe that you don't go around yodeling, your email address once was yodler at one point :). Your girls are dolls, so cute!

Amy said...

Hey! Your blog is super cute. And the yodeling is awesome. :) Your family is adorable.

Katy said...

I loved meeting these girls this weekend, the yodeling is great fun! Hope ya don't mind me peeking in on your adorable family!!! (it was so nice seeing you and Jared this weekend-- it's been too long)